Suzanne Purvis
Aging well with Confidence
Aging well is a concept that can be misunderstood. Oftentimes, aging well is associated with a person’s age or physical appearance. However, aging well is more complex. Physical and mental health are a part of aging well. An aging individual needs to have a purpose in life, a sense of value and relevance. This can be accomplished through gainful employment, volunteerism, intellectual interactions, socialization, and/or leisure activities (Irving, Davis & Collier, 2017).
An aging individual should take an active role in their health and wellness. Having an active lifestyle, good nutrition, preventative health care, and even creating an individualized health and rehabilitative plan with a healthcare professional can promote health, wellness, a sense of well-being, and independence (Halaweh, Dahlin-Ivanoff, & Willen 2018). Knowing how aging is affecting your body and making a plan to manage the changes is important.
Confidence in Aging can help!